Site Remediation using Soil Washing at former Bend Trap Club Site

ART Engineering, LLC



The Bend Trap Club was used as a skeet shooting range since 1932. The 40-acre site of the Bend Trap Club was purchased by a Bend developer as a future development site for upscale residential homes. ART was contracted by the developer to design and implement soil washing cleanup of lead impacted soils. ART determined technical feasibility of the project through a treatability study. This study indicated that the soil could be remediated to a residential standard of 400 ppm total lead by removing lead shot. The soil washing process was based on removal of lead pellets through physical separation, dewatering of the soil products and recycling/reuse of wash water. The plant was designed to operate at a feed rate of 45-50 tph. ART incorporated a separate lead upgrade circuit to produce a high grade lead shot concentrate suitable for recycling. The processed soil was dewatered prior to backfill at the site. A total of 23,800 tons of contaminated soil were processed. A total of 110 tons of upgraded lead shot was produced which was sold to a lead recycling company. The clean up resulted in 100% beneficial reuse of processed soil and recycling of lead concentrate.


Plant Overview   Upgraded Lead Shot for Recycling (110 tons produced)
Clean Oversize Product for on-site Backfill   Clean Sand Product for on-site Backfill


ART provided following services:

  • Determination of Project Feasibility

  • Process Design including PFD and P&ID

  • Project Design, Plant Design

  • Construction Management,

  • Plant Start-up / Commissioning

  • Operations Management.